More user comfort through apps – also for SAP Business ByDesign!
In some situations it is necessary that certain tasks can be carried out promptly and quickly so that the processes in the company run smoothly. As a user of Business ByDesign, you can be usefully supported by various apps.
Below you will find a brief overview of various apps and their functions:
SAP Business ByDesign
This app serves to use Business ByDesign also mobile. The following are some of the functions:
- Manage data (e.g. customers, contact persons, activities …)
- Issue approvals
- Review / search reportso
SAP Time Recording
With this app the time feedback is easy to do from any place and at any time. As soon as you have a mobile data connection, the connection is established with your ByDesign system and project times or HR activities can be recorded. You can also display what you have already recorded for a certain period.
SAP Project To Go
This mobile application supports members of project teams in using project data from Business ByDesign with a 360° overview. The most important features are:
- Interaction with the members of the project team
- Assignment & tracking of To-Dos
- Time feedback of the project work
- Access to project data
SAP Manager Approvals
With the “SAP Manager Approvals” app, you can perform approvals at any time and from any location (provided a data connection exists). The functions include the following:
- Quick access to all approvals
- Group approvals based on e.g. category or project task
- Management of approvals for shopping carts, time recording (project and activity related), orders and order contracts etc.
- Overview of approvals and follow-up steps or responsible persons
Scan4cloud Mobile Warehouse (all4cloud)
With this app you can reduce errors caused by manual activities in the warehouse processes to a minimum. It also reduces unnecessary use of paper and drives the digitalization of your business. The main features include:
- Functions
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Goods Movements
- Physical Inventory
- All Android devices are supported (Ver. 4.2 and higher).
- Mobile acquisition devices
- Smartphones, tablets etc.o
- Complete integration with Business ByDesign
- tasks
- feedbacks
- trackingo
- precondition
- SAP Business ByDesign User rights: at least SCM Self Service User
Please also read the article “Simplify your logistics processes in SAP Business ByDesign using barcode scanners”.
SAP SMB (evenTwo)
In this mobile development you receive all information about events (locations, agenda, speakers …) and can network with other participants.
SAP Travel Expense Approval
- This app offers you an extensive portfolio of functions in the area of travel expense reimbursement:
- Accelerate the reimbursement of expenses to employees
- Exact billing for customers
- Ensure timely processing of travel expense requests from anywhere
- Push notifications of all travel expense requests awaiting approval
- Approve and reject travel expense requests
In the future, as well, the area of apps will have great potential to make even better and more flexible use of Business ByDesign. New innovations and opportunities are regularly developed and presented. Close contact with the users of Business ByDesign is also very important in order to know your wishes and implement them.
Please let us know which requirements and wishes you have for an app and we will see what is possible!
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